Advisory Committee
The Church Redevelopment Advisory Committee was formed to guide and oversee the planning process. The Committee includes individuals representing a broad cross-section of the Smyrna community.
As 2024 began, Mayor Derek Norton announced the appointment of the Church Redevelopment Advisory Committee. The goal of the committee is to assist in the procurement process for choosing a Master Plan firm; encourage public engagement throughout the process; and ensure Master Plan is reflective of public input and market analysis.
Meeting Links:
Travis Lindley, City Council / Committee Chair
Ryan Campbell, Mayor's Appointee - Floor & Decor, Chief Executive Merchant
Harrison Aiken, Ward 1 Appointee - Kimley - Horn, Civil Engineer
Natalie S. Woodward, Ward 2 Appointee - Warshauer Woodward Atkins, Attorney
Dan Styf, Ward 3 Appointee - DS Healthcare Strategies, President
Wayne Wright, Ward 4 Appointee - Self Employed, Consultant
Randy Jordan, Ward 5 Appointee - RW Jordan LLC, Owner
Chad Koenig, Ward 6 Appointee - Partner, Partners Real Estate
Kim Jones Snipe, Ward 7 Appointee - Environmental Attorney
Jim Carmichael, Carmichael Funeral Home - Carmichael Funeral Home, Owner
Peter Tompkins, Good Kitchen and Market - Good Kitchen, Owner
Susan Harlan, Vickery Hardware - Vickery Hardware, Owner