Get (and Stay) Involved

Community engagement is the foundation of the Smyrna Downtown Redevelopment process. Throughout this process, there will be several opportunities to give us your feedback about downtown, both online and in person. Please visit this website regularly and stay tuned to regular updates on the City’s social media as we announce more information.

  • Attend one of our Community Meetings

    Three Public Meetings will be held at key milestones over the course of the planning process to inform the public, gain insight, and build support for the plan’s outcomes. These meetings will occur once during each phase of work and will serve as an avenue for the Planning Team to share the work process to date, have discussions with attendees, and host interactive activities to gather feedback.

  • Answer a Brief Online Survey (Coming Soon)

    Tell us about your experience in downtown! An online survey will help the planning team understand what you’d like to see happen in downtown in the next 10 years. Share your email at the bottom of this website to sign up for project updates and be notified of the online survey launch.

  • Meet Us at a Smyrna Community Event

    Meet the planning team at many of Smyrna’s events and festivals. Scroll below to see which events we will attend, and keep visiting this website as we share more information!

  • Add to our Interactive Planning Map

    Click on the link below to access our interactive mapping tool. Through this feature, you can tell us about downtown’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities, and see what other Smyrna residents are saying.



Meet us at the Spring Jonquil Festival

Chat with members of the planning team at this year’s Jonquil Festival. At this event, we will answer questions about the project and share a preview of what to expect at Community Meeting 1.


  • Dates and Times: Saturday, April 26 (10:00 am to 6:00 pm) & Sunday, April 27 (12:00 pm to 5:00 pm)

  • Location: Smyrna Market Village

Community Meeting 1

Join us for the first of three community meetings to share your vision for the next 10 years of Downtown Smyrna, and to help guide the future of the redevelopment site.


  • Date: Monday, April 28

  • Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

  • Location: Smyrna Community Center

We encourage all community members to attend and participate. Your input is valuable in shaping the future of downtown!

Questions? Get in touch with us

Please fill out the form below if you have a question or comment about the Smyrna Downtown Redevelopment process Thank you!